This web site gives results of each Rás Tailteann from the first event in 1953 to date. The older information was compiled from my own records and through research in the National Library and Dublin Corporation's Gilbert Library. If you find any omissions or errors please contact me at For more complete information read "The Rás" by Tom Daly published by The Collins Press in 2003 or "The Rás" by Jim Trainor in 2008. Health warning Nationality In the case of Irish riders the Christian name by which they were commonly known is given. Riders from outside Ireland are identified only by the initial of their Christian name. Where nationalities are given the following abbreviations are used (even though conventions have varied since this work was started): |
ALG: Algeria AUS: Australia AUT: Austria BEL: Belgium CZE: Czechoslovakia DEN: Denmark ENG: England EST: Estonia EXI: Exiles FRA: France GER: Germany GB: Great Britain HOL: Holland IOM: Isle of Man |
ITA: Italy JAP: Japan LAT: Latvia LTU: Lithuania NZ: New Zealand POL: Poland SA: South Africa SCO: Scotland SLOV: Slovenia SWE: Sweden SWI & SUI: Switzerland USA: United States of America USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |